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Staple G/KG

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Staple G/KG

The staple No. G / KG is a staple for the packaging industry, the building industry and the furniture industry. This staple is extremely robust and is suited for Fermacell and gypsum cardboard as well as for small boxes and palettes.
Details staple G / KG:
Crown widht: 11.6 mm
Inside width: 8.8 mm
Wire strength: 1.4 mm
Wire width: 1.6 mm
Leg lengths: 18 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm, 40 mm, 45 mm, 50 mm, 64 mm
Depending on the leg length
Materials available:
         Iron galvanised
         Other finishings: on inquiry
Article numbers staple G / KG:
         E G0018 – staple G / 18
         E G0022 – staple G / 22
         E G0025 – staple G / 25
         E G0030 – staple G / 30
         E G0035 – staple G / 35
         E G0040 – staple G / 40
         E G0045 – staple G / 45
         E G0050 – staple G / 50
         E G0064 – staple G / 64
         Other finishings: on inquiry
Which stapler fits to the staple G / KG?

Pneumatic stapler Fasco F44C G-50
Pneumatic stapler Senco SKS XP, SNS 41, SNS 44XP, SNS 45XP, SNS 50XP
Pneumatic stapler Khilberg JK45-783, JK45-783S
Pneumatic stapler Holzher 3414-3419, 3425-3426, 3431-3433, 3462
Pneumatic stapler BeA 14/32-613
Pneumatic stapler Prebena 5X-L50, 5C-ZT67 Combi
Pneumatic stapler Spotnails XS6650, MS6650, XS6650LM, MS6650LM
Staple nailmaker ACE-TSN-50, ACE-TSN-46
Other manufacturers and brands:
         Holzher G
         Prebena Z – KG 700
Price: For inquiries to our articles, please use our contact form and/or add this article to your personal “watch list” for later inquiries.
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Industrial staples G/KG for pneumatic stapler Industrial staples G/KG for pneumatic stapler

Copyright © Margreiter-Technik Hans Hilscher GmbH