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Staples - general information

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Staples – general information

Staples are used in any office and in any industry every day.
The first staplers were already used about 1700 in France. Then the development of the modern staplers began in 1841.In 1866 George W. McGill developed the first small, pliable staple which was the predecessor of the modern staple.
Nowadays staples are used in all areas of the industry. The applications are countless and so is the number of different staples and manufacturers. There are various differences according to the material and the tasks to be stapled.
For the industrial applications, we have a large assortment of different stapling machines and pliers, pneumatically operated stapling machines, electric staplers and top staplers. According to the material to be stapled, we offer staples for stapler, stapling plier and stapling guns of various different manufactuerers at favourable wholesale prices. Our range covers mainly the industrial requirements.
In the beginning, our core range focused on the products of Elastic Gutenberg and Rapid Isaberg. Due to the big success in this area, our range comprises nowadays various stapling machines, tackers and staples of various well-known manufacturers.
Staplers and staples – Applications
As our staplers and staples are used in any part of the industrial work, we only focus on some of the most important applications:
         Packaging industry
Closing of cardboard boxes, corrugated fiberboard, carton, blister packaging, jute bags, paper bags, wooden boxes, paletes, …
         Furniture industry
Upholstery, production of furniture and spare parts
         Cunstruction industry
Insulation work, fastening of panels, parkets, windows, doors, cables, carpenter, roofer
         Wooden industry
         Supermarkets and grocerys
         Automotive industry
         DIY supermarkets
         Flower shops
         Office supplies / copy shops
         Textile industry
         And many, many more
Staplers and staples – Advantages
         Variety of staplers and staples
         Suitable staples to any application
         Staples for many manufacturers devices
         Wholesale prices also with smaller quantities
         Customized staples and material on demand
         Well-known manufacturers (Rapid, …)
Stapler, fatsener and staples – Availability
Due to the size of our range, we divided our assortment in the following sub-categories to simplify the navigation. These categories are:
Stapling pliers:
         Packaging stapling plier – staplers for packaging work
         Stapling plier with large throat depths to 300 mms
         Textile plier – staplers with thin-wire staples for textile labelling
         Top stapler – carton stapler for cardboard boxes
         Office pliers – Manual pliers for the day-to-day office use
         Electric stapler – Electrically powered staplers for office and industrial use
Stapling gun:
         Hobby tacker – Small tackers for light hobby applications
         Professional tacker – Manual metal tackers for professional applications in the industry
         Multipurpose stapling gun – special tackers for particular requirements
         Electrically powered stapling gun – Electric tackers for the intensive use
         Pneumatically powered stapling gun – Pneumatic tackers for professional applications
         Hammer tacker – Special tacker for carpenter, roofer and the building and construction industry
Top stapler and carton closing stapler
         Manual top staplers – carton closing stapler
         Pneumatically operated top stapler – Pneumatic carton closing stapler for intensiv work
Eyelet pliers and eyelet machines
Staples – application and requirements
         Staples for the industry
         Top stapler and carton closing devices
         Textile staples
         Office staples
         Staples for electric staplers
Staples – manufacturer
         Staples Arrow
         Staples Stanley – Bostitch
         Staples Atro
         Staples BeA
         Staples Rapidly – mountain Isa
         Staples Elastic
         Staples Duofast
         Staples Holzher
         Staples Haubold
         Staples Kihlberg
         Staples Max
         Staples Paslode
         Staples Prebena
         Staples Senco
You find detailed information about our staples on the following special sides.
Should you have any question to our stapling pliers, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales team will gladly provide you with any information!
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Copyright © Margreiter-Technik Hans Hilscher GmbH