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Price gun Blitz T

Price gun Blitz T007

Single line Blitz price gun for labels 29×28 mm

Labeling machine for labels 29×28 mm with 7, 11 and 7 XXL-digits

Price guns of the series BLITZ T are designed as three line printers for labels 29×28 mm. Only one line is equipped with digits leaving a lot of space for your customized dvertising or information imprints. In combination with pre-printed labels, this price gun is very popular for clothes and fashion shops and especially for chemist´s shops. Another important application is the pricing of marketing and special price campaigns, especially when using our XXL figures with 7 mm character size. Please find some examples of possible layouts on the bottom of this site.

Single line Blitz price guns 29×28 mm – Our range

Price gun Blitz T007 Price gun Blitz T007

  • Digits: 7
  • Impression: €1234.56
Price gun Blitz T001 Price gun Blitz T001

  • Digits: 11
  • Impression: €12345678.90
    Impression: 12345€789.01
Price gun Blitz MT07 Price gun Blitz MT07

  • Digits: 7 (XXL digits)
  • Impression: €1234.56


Catalog download

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Price: For prices to our labeling machines and price guns, please use our contact form or send us an email to Our sales team will advise you gladly.



Price gun Blitz T007 Price gun Blitz T001 Price gun Blitz MT07
Preisetikette - Etikette 29x28 mm
Labelling machine Blitz T Price label Blitz T007 Price label Blitz T007 with imprint Price label Blitz T001
Price label Blitz T001 with imprint Price label Blitz MT007 Price label Blitz MT007 with imprint



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