Stamping ink for food and food packaging
Stamping ink for food and food packaging
Especially in the food industry, very high standards and requirements have to be met for stamping inks to secure, that only pigments are used which are listed in 94/36/EG. The stamping inks of the brand COLORIS meet them all, therefore, we have a wide range of high-quality stamping inks, especially for this industry.
The following stamping inks are available for your choice:
– Egg stamping ink EU
Food marking ink for eggs – meets EU requirements.
Food marking ink for eggs – meets EU requirements.
– Meat stamping ink EU – meat inspection ink EU
Food marking ink for meat – meets EU requirements
Food marking ink for meat – meets EU requirements
– Cheese stamping ink EU
Stamping ink for cheese marking – meets EU requirements
Stamping ink for cheese marking – meets EU requirements
– BSE meat marking ink EU
Stamping ink developed to mark BSE contaminated meat
Stamping ink developed to mark BSE contaminated meat
– Stamping ink 8100 FP – stamping ink 8103 FP – stamping ink 8105 FP
Stamping ink used in the foodstuff packaging industry
Stamping ink used in the foodstuff packaging industry
– Stamping ink R9 FP – stamping ink R9 ST FP
Slower drying stamping ink developed for the foodstuff packaging industry
Slower drying stamping ink developed for the foodstuff packaging industry
– Stamping ink 8240 FP – stamping ink 8260 FP
Stamping ink used in the foodstuff packaging industry
Stamping ink used in the foodstuff packaging industry
– Stamping ink 8480 FP P
Quick drying pigmented stamping ink for the food packaging industry
Quick drying pigmented stamping ink for the food packaging industry
You find detailed information about the single stamping inks by clicking the specific stamping ink!
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